Mighty mouse in hand, one would do well to check out:
The newly-redesigned Belmont Club, where Wretchard discusses the latest outrage from the Iraqi "resistance fighters."
A Glimpse of Iraq, where we have a date with a major agricultural product of Iraq.
Dar Al-Hayat, where Abdulwahab Badrakhan weighs in on the Hariri assassination.
Granite State Pundit, where Dan Pierce asks a big question. (Yes; moreover, we must.)
Ibn Alrafidain, for more of his series of "Rambling Posts."
Defending Democracy, where Clifford May brings up an obvious point that can't be repeated enough.
Tigerhawk (credit: Instapundit), for must-read links to speculations about a connection between Al Qaeda and Theo van Gogh's murder.
USS Neverdock, for--well, just keep scrolling, there's computer-screens of stuff on the site today.
Hyscience, where we're linked to this story of good ol' American gumption, Texas-style.
Women Living Under Muslim Laws for the latest sad tale of misogyny and racism eminating from the Religion of Peace and Tolerance--in Canada, no less.
And finally, the AP, for the latest on an Iranian turban-blogger. (Credit: Ron G.)
Enjoy and have a good week-end!