In 2002, a Pakistani man is accused of having an illicit affair with a woman. His punishment? The man's village council orders the gang rape of his sister. The assault outrages world opinion and a Pakistani court convincts and sentences six men to death. Yesterday, Pakistan's High Court overturned the convictions of five of the men, citing a "technicality." According to the New York Times' Salman Masood (reg. req.) when the rape victim, Mukhtar Mai, heard of the acquital, she broke into tears.
Nor is that the only affront to women's dignity perpetrated by Islamabad: Honor killing legislation quashed as being "un-Islamic; "Hudood Ordinances" allowed to stand because they are "Islamic." What does that tell us about...Islam?
And this: why does the plight of Palestinians cause Muslims worldwide to quiver with outrage and indignation--yet the far more pervasive and lethal oppressive of Muslim women engenders only a few muted cries from human rights organizations?
And where are American feminists on this issue? Check out the play that NOW's website gives the issue of honor killing. (Hint: none.)