We celebrated ten years of business on Friday, May 19 with a banquet and fundraiser for the Tertio Millennio Seminar. George Wiegel attended as the guest of honor and key note speaker, and a distinguished panel of our authors, including Phyllis Schlafly, Thomas Hibbs, Bill Murchison, and J. Budziszewski, took questions about social and cultural issues of the day such as public schools, the Da Vinci Code, and political discourse. Among the interlocutors were Frank Lazarus, president of the University of Dallas, Rod Dreher, associate editor of the Dallas Morning News Editorial Page, and Robert Riggs, investigative reporter for Channel 11 News in Dallas. C-Span’s Book TV filmed the event.
It was an honor for us to be associated with the Tertio Millennio Seminar, an organization committed to identifying and upholding the tenets of a free society. We look back with gratitude at the various ways our authors have contributed to these ideals with their books.